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Amazon Leaves Roomba to Clean Up a Big Mess – C-Suite Transitions

  • February 15, 2024

Well over a decade ago, I purchased a Roomba and for a few weeks we found it mildly useful. One day the Roomba jumped sensors I had placed to stop it from entering my home office, merrily sauntered in and proceeded to satiate its appetite by chewing the wires below my desk. It didn’t quite work the same after its little wire munching adventure.

I wrote to Roomba’s customer care to see if the issue could be fixed and did not get a response. I did however start getting marketing emails from the company, indicating that they had received my email about the faulty sensor or the faulty Roomba but did not care enough to respond. I promptly returned the expensive vacuum cleaner to Costco (COST), which accepted it without a single question.

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