Premium Post: A Duo Of Merger Arbitrage Opportunities Offering Double Digit Annualized Returns

  • December 28, 2018
Over the last several weeks we embarked on a little research project to analyze the characteristics and returns of the “potential” deals we have been tracking in a section of Inside Arbitrage called “Deals in the Works” (DITW). We started tracking these “potential” deals two years ago and built a tool for premium subscribers to see which of these rumored deals eventually came to fruition and which ones failed. To avoid speculative noise or baseless rumors, we restricted the types of deals we included in this DITW tool and described them in the disclaimer section of this tool as, “These potential deals are ones where i) the company has indicated that it is “seeking strategic alternatives”, ii) there has been an unsolicited bid for a company as mentioned in a press release by the company or iii) news about the deal has been published by a leading news organization like The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Bloomberg, Financial Times, The Washington Post, Reuters and The Associated Press.” “As best as possible we will try to avoid baseless rumors. There is a high probability that many of these potential deals may not materialize and if they do, the terms of...

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