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Focus Article: Vera Bradley (VRA)

  • April 9, 2012

Vera Bradley, Inc. (VRA) $31.04

The Company:

Located in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Vera Bradley is a designer of quilted luggage, handbags and accessories for women that include everything from wallets to iPad covers. The company was founded in March 1982 by Patricia R. Miller and Barbara Bradley Baekgaard and is named after Ms. Bradley Baekgaard’s grandmother, who had modeled for Elizabeth Arden in the 1930s. The company operates a small number of stores (48 regular stores and 8 outlet stores) and mostly sells its products through 3,300 specialty retailers. The target audience is teens and young women. Based on Twitter chatter I have been seeing on the company over the last week, it looks like the primary customers are teens and they appear to be loyal to the brand, often buying more than one product from the company.

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